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GK set19

 451.NREGA guarantees how many days employment?

100 days

452.Prakash & M adakini Amte were given which award 


M agsaysay Award

453."India, that is Bharat, shall be a union of states". This 

is in which article of Indian constitution? 

Article 1

454.What do we call a rule of legislative procedure under 

which a further debate on a motion can be stopped? 


455.When does a bill presented in parliament becomes an 


After president has given his assent

456.The minimum age of candidate for the office of the 

President of India is…….yrs. 


457.A candidate seeking elections to a state Legislative 

Assembly must have completed how many years?


458.Who can resolve the dispute between two houses of 


Loksabha Speaker

459.Finance commission is appointed by president for 

how many years? 

5 years

460.The High Court consists of Chief Justice and other 

judges. Who determines other Judges?


461.Who can remove the judge of the High Court from his 

office before expiry of his time? 

President on the recommendation of Parliament

462.A Judge of High court will address his resignation to 


The President

463.The judge of Supreme court of India Holds the office 

till he attains the age of ……yrs? 


464.A member of Loksabha may vacate his seat before 

expiry of his time by writing to ………………?


465.A minister of is not member of a legislative assembly 

has to win election within ……….months. 


466.A money bill can originate in Loksabha or Rajya Sabha 

or both ??

In Loksabha

467.What is the administrative authority at the 'block' 


Panchayat Samiti

468.If a person is arrested and detained in Police, has to be 

produced before nearest Magistrate within 


24 hrs

469.A session of the Loksabha is prorogued by order of 



470.Who decides a bill is money bill or not? 

Speaker of the Loksabha

471.In 42nd amendment two more words have been added 

to the preamble. What are they? 

Secular & Socialist

472.what are the five words of Preamble to the 

constitution of India? 

Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic

473.Who can appoint ad hoc judges in Supreme Court? 

The Chief Justice of India with the prior consent of the 

President of India 

474. A retired judge of High court can do private practice 

in which court?

In another court of same or higher level

475. An ordinance issued by a governor can remain in 

force on its own for a maximum period of .......months? 



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