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 201. Seleukas was defeated by?

Chandra Gupta Maurya

202. Who organized ‘Bratachari’ Movement?

Gurusaday Datta

203. What was the primary emphasis during 2nd 5 

year Plan?

Basic & Key Industries

204. What kind of a valley Narmada flows through?

V.shaped Fluvial Valley

205. The constitution of India, established a 

parliamentary system of Government . This was 

based on which country’s pattern?


206. What was the name of writer of Bande 


Bankimchandra Chatterjee

207. Who was the first editor of ‘Yugantar’?

Barindra Ghosh

208. Where did ‘Tebhega’ movement occurred in 



209. Who was the founder of Muslim League of 


Nawab Salim Ullah

210. Who accords recognition to political parties?

Election Commission

211. Pitcher plant is what kind of a plant?


212. Who founded Gadar Party in America?


213. In which session , the Indian National Congress 

adopted the resolution of ‘Poorna Swaraj’?


214. Which genes on activation cause Cancer?


215. What do we collectively call the Biochemical 

Processes taking place in Body?


216. People perform better when they are in 

competition than they are alone, what is this 


Group Dynamics

217. The award for best film in IIFA in 2007 was 

given to which Film?

Rawng De Basanti

218. What is the resistance of a 200V.100W bulb?

400 ohm

219. Who has written ‘Train to Pakistan’?

Khushwant Singh

220. What is the name of the policy, related to 

revenue and expenditure of the Government?

Fiscal Policy

221. India has a dispute with Bangladesh on 

distribution of water from which barrage?

Farakka Barrage

222. Panchayats were given constitutional status in 

which Amendment of Constitution?


223. Who was the founder of ‘Anushilan Samity’?

P. Mitra

224. Who was the Founder of Bahmani Kingdom?

Alauddin Bahaman Shah

225. Who founded Academic Association?

Ishwarchadra Vidyasagar


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