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Computer abbreviations set 6

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In this website each webpage contains minimum 10 mcq objective type and maximum upto 30 mcq objective type questions or other useful information.

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1. SD RAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
It is a type of DRAM which is synchronous with the system bus carrying data between the CPU and memory controller hub

2. S-DAT Stationary Digital Audio Tape

3. SG RAM Synchronous graphics Random Access memory
It is a clock synchronized random access memory.

4. SIM Subscriber Identification Module
Generally known as SIM card it is a removable smart card for the mobile phone.

5. SIMD Single Instruction Multiple Data
It is a process of applying single instructions on multiple data

6. SISD single instruction stream, single data
It is a computer system that is capable to
execute single instruction.

7. SMS Short Message Service 
It is used to text in short up to 160 character.

8. SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
STMP is a standard protocol that provides the ability of sending and receiving the mails

9. SNA System Network Architecture
It’s a mainframe networking and virtual telecommunications access method. It is developed by IBM

10. SQL Structured Query Language
It’s a standard language used to create, maintain and retrieve the database.

11. SRAM Static Random Access Memory
It’s a type of memory which is faster and more reliable.

12. TAPI Telephony Application Program Interface 
It is set of program application interfaces

13. TCP Transmission Control Protocol 
It is one of the internet protocol

14. TDI Transport Data Interface 
It is a method of transmitting the data over a serial digital interface data stream.

15. TPM Tele Processing Monitor 
It is a program that monitors a transaction as it passes from one stage to another.

16. UML Unified Modelling Language
It is a professional level modelling language with very good graphics notation.

17. UNC Universal Naming Convention
It is standard for identifying resources in a network

18. UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply
It is an electrical equipment which supplies power to the computer in the situation of power cut

19. URL Uniform Resource Locator 
It is the address of the resource on the internet.

20. USB Universal Serial Bus 
This is used to connect different computer devices.

21. UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair 
These are the low cost twisted cables uses in LAN and telephone lines.

22. VAN Virtual Area Network 
It is a network which enables the users to share more visual sense of community

23. VB Visual Basic 
It is a programming language

24. VC++ Visual C++ 
It is a language which supports object oriented programming

25. VGA Video Graphics Array 
These are the standard for the screen display equipment

26. VHS Video Home System

27. VLSI Very Large Scale Integration
It’s a type of circuit used in computer

28. VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol
It is basically a telephone connection over internet

29. VPN Virtual Private Network
It is a technology that creates a safe and encrypted connection over a less secure network

30. VRAM Video Random Access Memory
This is a reference for all types of random
access memory

31. VRML Virtual Reality Modelling Language
This is the programming language used for creating and displaying 3D objects

32. VSNL Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited 
It is an Indian telecommunication company

33. W3C World Wide Web Consortium 
It is an international consortium of companies.

34. WAP Wireless Application Protocol
It is a set of protocols which enables to access the internet through mobile phones and PDAs

35. WINS Windows Internet Name Service
It is a service by which windows are able to identify NetBIOS system on TCP/IP network

36. WML Wireless Markup Language
It is a markup language for wireless devices also called as HDML

37. WORM Write Once Read Many 
It is a storage device in which modification is not allowed.

38. WWAN Wireless Wide Area Network
It is a form of wireless network that provide network in a larger area.

39. WWW World Wide Web 
It is a network of online content.

40. XML Extensible Markup Language
It’s a text based format or language used to share data on WWW.

41. ZIF Zero Insertion Force 
It is a type of an IC’s socket that is used in CPU.

42. ZIP Zone Information Protocol
It is the way of compress the file in a small place and can be transferred easily.

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