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Child Psychology and Pedagogy MCQs | SET-81
1. In Lawrence Kohlberg's theory, which level signifies the absence of morality in the true sense?
(a) Level III
(b) Level IV
(c) Level I
(d) Level II
Answer. (c)
2. Which one of the following is not correct for the progressive model of socialization of children?
(a) Active participation in the group work and learning social skills.
(b) Children accept what they are offered by the school irrespective of their social backgrounds.
(c) There should be a place for democracy in the classroom.
(d) Socialization is an adoption of social
Answer. (b)
3. In learning, assessment is essential for
(a) Grades and Marks
(b) Screening test
(c) Motivation
(d) Fostering of the purpose of segregation and ranking'
Answer. (c)
4. Fitting new information into existing schemes is known as
(a) Accommodation
(b) Equilibration
(c) Assimilation
(d) Organisation
Answer. (c)
5. We all differ in terms of our intelligence, motivation, interest, etc. This principle refers to
(a) Individual difference
(b) Theories of Intelligence
(c) Heredity
(d) Environment
Answer. (a)
6. Students of disadvantaged groups should be taught along with the normal students. It implies
(a) Inclusive Education
(b) Special Education
(c) Integrated Education
(d) Exclusive Education
Answer. (a)
7. "Anyone can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not easy." This is related to
(a) Emotional development
(b) Social development
(c) Cognitive development
(d) Physical development
Answer. (a)
8. Deficiency in the ability to write, associated with impaired handwriting, is a symptom of
(a) Dysgraphia
(b) Dyspraxia
(c) Dyscalculia
(d) Dyslexia
Answer. (a)
9. According to Piaget theory, which one out of the following will not influence one's cognitive development?
(a) Language
(b) Social experiences
(c) Maturation
(d) Activity
Answer. (c)
10. Which of these does not imply practical intelligence in the Triarchic theory?
(a) Reshaping the environment
(b) Thinking practically about oneself only
(c) Choosing an environment in which you can succeed
(d) Adapting to the environment
Answer. (b)