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Child Psychology and Pedagogy MCQs | SET-86
1. The James-Lange or body reaction theory of emotion says
A You feel emotion then a bodily reaction
B Emotions and visceral reactions are simultaneous
C The somatic nervous system is the seat of emotion
D You react with your body first then you feel emotion
Answer: D
2. Analysis of avoidance learning suggest that many phobias are acquired through ______ conditioning.
A Classical
B Operant
C Intermittent
D Reinforcement
Answer: A
3. The ability to learn by observing a model or receiving instructions, without reinforcement, is called_____
A Contingency
B Social learning
C Cognitive learning
D Instrumental learning
Answer: B
4. Conditioned response may be eliminated by withdrawing reinforcement. This is known as:
A Extinction
B Discrimination
C Spontaneous recovery
D Stimulus generalization
Answer: A
5. Any stimulus that follows a behavior and increases the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated is called a:
A Cue
B Punisher
C reinforcer
D Situational stimulus
Answer: C
6. Illnesses that seem to result from an interaction of physical and psychological factors are called:
A Somatic
B Hysterical
C Psychosomatic
D Conversion disorder
Answer: C
7. Which of the following clinical procedures are based, in part on classical conditioning?
A Transference
B Token economy
C Two chair technique
D Systematic desensitization
Answer: D
8. When people are _____ they have lost touch with reality.
A Manic
B Neurotic
C Psychotic
D Psychopathic
Answer: C
9. Intelligence can be defined as:
A Knowledge of a great many facts
B The ability to get good grades in school
C All the factors that make one person different from another
D The ability to think abstractly and learn from experience
Answer: D
10. According to Piaget the process of building mental representation of the world through direct interaction with it is:
A Adaptation
B Conservation
C Metacognition
D Egocentrism
Answer: A
11. People who consistently come up with _____ explanations of events are more prone to depression.
A dysthemic
B Delusional
C Pessimistic
D Overly optimistic
Answer: C
12. The leading cause of mental retardation is believed to be:
A Inherited traits
B Environmental factors
C Organic brain syndrome
D Fetal alcohol syndrome
Answer: B
13. An affective disorder in which a person swings from one mood extreme to another is classified as:
A Bipolar
B Unipolar
C Manic
D Depressive
Answer: A
14. Albert Ellis and Aron Beck are names associated with the ____ therapy approach.
A Gestalt
B Cognitive
C Behavioral
D Phenomenological
Answer: B
15. The process by which a trained professional uses psychological methods to help people with psychological problem is known as:
A Psychiatry
B Psychoanalysis
C Psychosurgery
D Psychotherapy
Answer: D