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Child Psychology and Pedagogy MCQs | SET-91
1. Which of the following is not a diagnosable sleep disorder:
A Somnambulism
B Somniloquy
C Sleep terror
D Insomnia
Answer: B
2. A field experiment at the Bronx Zoo illustrated the potential importance of _________ indicating that an individual has legitimate authority. Fill in the blank from given below.
A Gender
B Uniforms
C Age
D An authoritarian personality
Answer: D
3. Thinking is a complex set of collaborations between __________ and _________representations and processes.
A Linguistic; semantic
B Linguistic; verbal
C Semantic; non-linguistic
D Linguistic; non-linguistic
Answer: D
4. Signal detection depends upon
A motivation and expectations
B signal intensity and noise
C sensitivity and response criterion
D absolute and relative thresholds
Answer: C
5. Which of the following does not present with symptoms of mental retardation ?
A Cri du chat syndrome
B Down’s syndrome
C Fugue
D Trisomy-21
Answer: C
6. Therapist suggested to Sunil that while trying to give up the habit of washing hands unnecessarily, he should wear a rubber band around his wrist and snap it everytime he feels like washing his hands. What therapy he is using ?
A Systematic desensitization
B Aversion therapy
C Flooding
D Modelling
Answer: B
7. The need for _______ produces active, controlling social behaviour while need for _________ produces more passive, less controlling social behaviour.
A affiliation; self-esteem
B confidence; intimacy
C affiliation; intimacy
D intimacy; affiliation
Answer: C
8. According to Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, arrange the correct functional sequence of metacomponents
A Identification of problem → defining the givens, goals & obstacles → choosing appropriate strategy → selection of lower order processes → selection of mental representation → allocation of mental resources → monitoring → evaluation.
B Identification of problem → defining the givens, goals & obstacles → selection of lower order processes → choosing appropriate strategy → selecting a mental representation → allocating mental resources → monitoring → evaluation.
C Identification of problem → choosing appropriate strategy → defining givens, goals and obstacles → allocating mental resources → monitoring → selecting mental representation → evaluation
D Defining the givens, goals and obstacles → identification of problem → selection of lower order processes → choosing appropriate strategy → selecting a mental representation → allocating mental resources → monitoring → evaluation
Answer: B
9. Which is the correct sequence of the stages involved in creative thinking ?
A Preparation; orientation; illumination; incubation; verification
B Preparation; incubation; illumination; orientation; verification
C Orientation; preparation; incubation; illumination; verification
D Orientation; preparation; illumination; incubation; verification
Answer: C
10. In which one of the following scaling methods, Law of Comparative Judgement is used clearly while computing scale values ?
A Summated ratings
B Equal appearing intervals
C JND scales
D Paired Comparison
Answer: D
11. The model of memory most frequently cited consists of Short Term Memory (STM) which serve(s) as gateway to Long Term Memory (LTM). This model was propounded by
A Ebbinghaus
B Craik and Lockhart
C Tulving
D Atkinson and Shiffring
Answer: D
12. The phenomenon of clinging to one’s initial conceptions after the basis on which they were formed and had been discredited refers to :
A Belief bias
B Belief perseverance
C Over confidence
D Framing decisions
Answer: B
13. Mechanistic and Cognitive approaches to motivation differ in the extent to which ______ are invoked to account for the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of goal directed behaviour.
A Dynamic traits
B Higher mental processes
C Drives
D Instincts
Answer: B
14. Which of the following is the term for describing a child’s one word utterances ?
A Over extensions
B Under extensions
C Holophrases
D Telegraphic speech
Answer: C
15. What would be the multiple correlation between the job efficiency and the three predictors (M.B.A. marks, selection test scores, and the evaluations scores at the end of inhouse training)?
A 0.50
B 0.65
C 0.75
D Inadequate data
Answer: C