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Objective type mcqs questions | computer awareness set 7

Computer awareness set 7 : Fundamental computer awareness mcqs objective type questions

This website is useful for govt exam preparation like HPSSC (HPTET COMMISSION : JBT TET COMMISSION, ARTS TET COMMISSION, NON-MEDICAL TET COMMISSION,  MEDICAL TET COMMISSION etc.), HPBOSE TET (JBT TET, ARTS TET, NON-MEDICAL TET, MEDICAL TET etc.), HPU University Exam (Clerk, Computer Operator, JOA IT, JOA Accounts etc.), Other University Exam, HP Police, HP Forest  Guard, HP Patwari etc.

Student can access this website and can prepare for exam with the help of objective type exam questions. We always include previous questions and most important questions for better preparation that can help a lot.
In this website each webpage contains minimum 10 mcq objective type and maximum upto 30 mcq objective type questions.

इन Webpages में सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों को सम्मिलित किया है इससे सम्बंधित प्रश्न सभी परीक्षाओं जैसे UPSC, RAS, MPPSC, UPSSSC, REET, CTET, HPTET, HTET, BSTC, PGT, KVS, DSSSB, Railway, Group D , NTPC, Banking, LDC Clerk, IBPS, SBI PO, SSC CGL, MTS, Police, Patwari, Forest Gard, Army GD, Air Force, में जरूर पूछे जाते है जो आपके लिए उपयोगी साबित होंगे। 

1. Instruction in computer languages consists of
C) Both of above 
D) None of above

Ans. : C) Both of above

2. Which generation of computer is still under development
A) Fourth Generation
B) Fifth Generation 
C) Sixth Generation
D) Seventh Generation

Ans. : B) Fifth Generation

3. A register organized to allow to move left or right operations is called a ----
A) Counter
B) Loader
C) Adder
D) Shift register 

Ans. : D) Shift register

4. Which was the most popular first generation computer?
A) IBM 1650 
B) IBM 360
C) IBM 1130
D) IBM 2700

Ans. : A) IBM 1650

5. Which is considered a direct entry input device?
A) Optical scanner
B) Mouse and digitizer
C) Light pen
D) All of the above 

Ans. : D) All of the above 

6. A set of information that defines the status of resources allocated to a process is
A) Process control
C) Register Unit
D) Process description 

Ans. : D) Process description

7. Each set of Napier’s bones consisted of ------ rods.
A) 5
B) 9
C) 11 
D) 13

Ans. : C) 11

8. BCD is
A) Binary Coded Decimal 
B) Bit Coded Decimal
C) Binary Coded Digit
D) Bit Coded Digit

Ans. : A) Binary Coded Decimal 

9. When was the world’s first laptop computer introduced in the market and by whom?
A) Hewlett-Packard, 1980
B) Epson, 1981 
C) Laplink Traveling Software Inc, 1982
D) Tandy Model-200, 1985

Ans. : B) Epson, 1981 

10. From which generation operating systems were developed?
A) First
B) Second
C) Third 
D) Fourth

Ans. : C) Third

11. The first firm to mass-market a microcomputer as a personal computer was
C) Radio Shaks 
D) Data General Corporation

Ans. : C) Radio Shaks

12. How many address lines are needed to address each machine location in a 2048 x 4 memory chip?
A) 10
B) 11 
C) 8
D) 12

Ans. : B) 11

13. Properly arranged data is called
A) Field
B) Words
C) Information 
D) File

Ans. : C) Information 

14. A computer consists of
A) A central processing unit
B) A memory
C) Input and output unit
D) All of the above 

Ans. : D) All of the above

15. Why are vacuum tubes also called valves?
A) Because they can amplify the weak signals and make them strong
B) Because they can stop or allow the flow of current
C) Both of above
D) None of above

Ans. : B) Because they can stop or allow the flow of current 

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