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Set-2 | One Liner Questions : Chemistry | 740+ Questions

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740+ Chemistry Questions
Important One Liners For All Exams

Q.201. A molecule of glucose on complete oxidation yields howmany ATP molecules in case of aerobic respiration?
Q.202. A lighted candle gets extinguished when covered with a tumbler. Why? 
➥Because of inadequate supply of air
Q.203. In anaerobic respiration, what is the net gain of ATP per glucose molecule oxidised?
Q.204. The elements of group VA are generally known as which name? 
Q.205. Which pairs of rays is electromagnetic in nature? 
➥x-rays and gamma rays
Q.206. Which gase changes lime water in milky colour?
➥Carbon dioxide
Q.207. Mercury thermometers can be used to measure temperature up to how many °C?
Q.208. What does Gobar gas contains mainly?
Q.209. Which are the important raw materials required in cement industry? 
➥Limestone and clay
Q.210. What is not the cause of low conductivity of electrolyte?
➥Ionisation of salt
Q.211. Cooking gas is a mixture of which gases? 
➥Butane and propane
Q.212. Which acid is produced when milk gets sour? 
➥Lactic acid
Q.213. Which are the most commonly used chemicals in the artificial rain making or cloud seeding?
➥Silver Iodide (Agl)
Q.214. What happens, When water is heated from 0°C to 10°C the volume of water? 
➥First decreases then increases
Q.215. Which compound does not give a positive test in Lassaigne’s test for nitrogen?
Q.216. Litmus paper used in laboratary from which obtained? 
Q.217. Which acid is used in synthetic lemonade?
➥Citric acid
Q.218. With rise of boiling point of a water, what will be the latent heat of steam?
Q.219. If we sprinkle common salt on an earthworm, why does it die? 
➥Due to osmotic shock
Q.220. What do the contact of two air masses differing sharply in humidity originate? 
➥Temperate cyclones
Q.221. Which of the toxic heavy metals is found in modern tannery industries?
Q.222. Why is tetracycline is used? 
➥As anti-plague drug
Q.223. Which contain high content of lead? 
➥High octane fuel
Q.224. Where is Pakistan’s nuclear power plant located?
Q.225. Denatured spirit is a mixture of ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol and which other thing?
Q.226. During rainy seasons why do doors made up of wood swell up? 
➥Due to imbibition
Q.227. Of the floating iceberg in the sea, how much is the portion remaining above the sea level?
Q.228. By which enzyme is Urea converted into ammonia and carbon dioxide? 
Q.229. Which colour of heat radiation represents the highest temperature?
Q.230. Which fertilizer has more nitrogen content?
Q.231. Trees in tropical deciduous forest shed their leaves in which season? 
➥Dry season
Q.232. Food wrapped in newspaper is likely to get contaminated with which desease?
Q.233. If a U-238 nucleus splits into two identical parts, how will the two nuclei be so produced? 
Q.234. Which metal is used for making boats because it does not corrode by seawater?
Q.235. Which is a strong smelling agent added to LPG cylinder to help in the detection of gas leakage? 
Q.236. Which is a metamorphic rock? 
Q.237. What is the best conductor of electricity? 
➥Salt water
Q.238. Which was the The first atomic power reactor in India?
Q.239. Which of the element of group 17 is radioactive? 
Q.240. Which has the least penetrating power? 
➥Alpha particles
Q.241. Which land mark in medical history was the first to take place? 
➥Plastic surgery
Q.242. Most of the explosions in mines occur due to the mixing of things? 
➥Oxygen with acetylene
Q.243. Which metal causes Itai-itai disease?
Q.244. Glass is made of the mixture of which things? 
➥Sand and silicates
Q.245. Which is the chief characteristic of wet and dry tropics? 
➥Constant heating
Q.246. What is a graph is plotted taking °C along the Y-axis and of K along the X- axis?
➥Straight line
Q.247. Acetyl salicylic acid is commonly used as which medicine? 
➥A pain killer
Q.248. The electron emitted in beta radiation originates from where? 
➥Inner orbits of atoms
Q.249. Which chemically inactive gas present in the atmosphere?
Q.250. By whom was the absolute value of charge on electron determined?
➥R.A. Millikan
Q.251. From which the cathode ray particles originate in a discharge tube?
Q.252. Which element has two electrons in the K-shell only?
Q.253. Major part of CO2 is transported to respiratory surface in form of which ion?
➥HCO3 ion
Q.254. Which type of isomerism is shown by diethyl ether and methyl propyl ether?
Q.255. Which allotrope of the carbon is used in cutting and drilling?
Q.256. In certain amino acids, which elements is found in addition to carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen? 
Q.257. Which substance coated on plastic tape?
➥Iron oxide
Q.258. Which is the cloud that is dark-grey or black, found at very low height and brings the real rain?
Q.259. X210 has half life of 5 day. What is the time taken for seven-eights of sample of X210 to decay? 
➥15 days
Q.260. A gas is found to have the formula (CO)n. Its vapour density is 70. What must the value of n be?
Q.261. What are Alpha rays emitted from a radioactive substance? 
➥Helium nuclear
Q.262. Which is used in beauty parlours for’ hair setting?
Q.263. Which gas is most predominant in the Sun?
Q.264. Which is the lightest gas?
Q.265. When Metal carbonate reacts with dilute acids, what does it forms?
Q.266. The element common to all the acids is known as which name? 
Q.267. Which is the gas usually filled in the electric bulb?
Q.268. To whom the credit for the discovery of transuranic element goes?
Q.269. Sodium carbonate crystals lose water molecules. What is this property called? 
Q.270. Which gase is essential for photosynthesis process?
Q.271. Acetylene is used as an anaesthetic under which name? 
Q.272. Which is responsible for red rot of sugarcane? 
➥Collectorichum falcatum
Q.273. What is the major ingredient of leather? 
Q.274. Which particle has similar mass to that of the electron? 
Q.275. Which acid used to remove inkspots? 
➥Oxalic acid
Q.276. For pasteurisation of milk by Flash method, at which temperature is milk heated?
Q.277. Which chemical is used for preserving fruit juices? 
➥Sodium benzoate
Q.278. Which metal is found in ‘plaster of paris’?
Q.279. In which year did Mahatma Gandhi return to India, leaving South Africa for ever?
Q.280. Which radiation emitted from the sun has highest wavelength? 
➥Micro waves
Q.281. Aluminium surface are often ‘anodized’. This means deposition of a layer of which oxide? 
➥Zinc oxide
Q.282. Which Scale is used for recording weather condition?
Q.283. Which chemically inactive gas present in atmosphere?
Q.284. Which synthetic fibre is known as artificial silk?
Q.285. All acids contain which element?
Q.286. Which predominantly acts as the agent of chemical erosion of soil? 
➥Underground water
Q.287. Formation of pot holes in river beds is an example of thing? 
Q.288. Which type of glass can cut off ultraviolet rays? 
➥Crooked glass
Q.289. Which is called philosopher’s wool? 
➥Zinc oxide
Q.290. When ore is heated generally in absence of air then what is process called?
Q.291. Which pair does not contain a coinage metal? 
➥Zinc and Gold
Q.292. What is the most soluble in water?
Q.293. From where can renewable energy be obtained? 
Q.294. When ice melts into water, which type of change occurs in entropy? 
Q.295. The pH of water at 25°C is 7.
➥Remains same
Q.296. Which is produced during allergic reactions? 
Q.297. What is the mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen called? 
➥Water gas
Q.298. In the leaf of tobacco what is found? 
Q.299. In which Molecule the distance between two adjacent carbon atoms is longest?
Q.300. Which charcoal is used to deeolourise raw sugar? 
➥Wood charcoal
Q.301. Which metal used to pollute the air of a big city?
Q.302. Which form an irreversible complex With haemoglobin of blood? 
➥Carbon monoxide
Q.303. Regarding the atom of a chemical element, magnetic quantum number refers?
Q.304. When an ebonite rod is rubbed with fur, which charge acquired by the fur?
Q.305. What is development of fruit without fertilization called? 
Q.306. Which charcoal forms of carbon is used in sugar industry? 
➥Animal charcoal
Q.307. One molecule of hemoglobin can carry how many atom of oxygen?
Q.308. Which is a source of methane emission into the atmosphere? 
Q.309. Which is not an important condition for growth of coral?
➥Wave-free salt water
Q.310. Which is the element common to all acids?
Q.311. What is the function of Leghaemoglobin in nitrogen fixation? 
➥Absorption of oxygen
Q.312. Which is the most important ore of aluminium? 
Q.313. Which chemical can be used is anticoagulent? 
➥Sodium citrate
Q.314. Carbon monoxide has how much greater affinity for haemoglobin as compared to oxygen?
➥200 times
Q.315. In which country does State funding of elections take place? 
➥Germany and Austria
Q.316. Starch iodide paper is used to test for the presence of which agent? 
➥Oxidising agent
Q.317. The powers of the Election Commission are given in which Article of the Constitution?
Q.318. Which Element present in largest amount in human body?
Q.319. What is formed by dissolution of base or acid in water? 
Q.320. Which processe is used to remove reducible oxides from the metal? 
Q.321. Mercury is transported in metal containers made of which metal? 
Q.322. What does lattitude place indicate?
Q.323. By whom was Cholera bacillus discovered? 
➥Robert Koch
Q.324. Stainless steel is an alloy of which metals? 
➥Iron, chromium and nickel
Q.325. What is the oxidation number and covalency-of sulphur in S8? 
➥0, 2
Q.326. What is the substance which decreases the rate of a chemical reaction?
Q.327. Dwarfness can be controlled by treating the plant with which acid? 
➥Gibberellic acid
Q.328. Which are the Chemicals having profound effect on growth and development? 
➥Phyto hormones
Q.329. Which is obtained, when H2S is passed through the solution of sodium zincate?
Q.330. Fish die in water bodies polluted by sewage, why? 
➥Due to Reduction in oxygen
Q.331. What is produced during the formation of photochemical smog? 
➥Nitrogen oxide
Q.332. Which place has no Ashokan edicts? 
Q.333. Parthenocarpy fruit is obtained by which sprying phytohormone? 
Q.334. Which is a non-metal that remains liquid at room- temperature?
Q.335. By which rular was the new element of ‘Gopuram’ encouraged in temples of South India?
Q.336. Which colloidal solution is commonly used as germ killer? 
➥Colloidal sulphur
Q.337. Which is an insectivorous plant? 
➥Pitcher plant
Q.338. What number of essential amino acid is found in man?
Q.339. By which is the amount of light entering into the eye controlled?
Q.340. Which is the compound in that oxygen shows + 2 oxidation state?
Q.341. The heavier silicates named ‘Sima’ or silica + magnesium are most abundant in which layer? 
Q.342. With which period do we associate the ‘microlith’ implements? 
Q.343. Insectivorous plant generally grow in soil which is deficient in which gas? 
Q.344. Which compound can not be used as nitrogenous fertilizer?
Q.345. Which is a non-ferrous metal?
Q.346. DC current can be controlled by which component? 
Q.347. Sodium metal is kept under which liquid? 
Q.348. Which naturally occurring element in the rice husk makes it termite resistant? 
Q.349. What is a powerful eye irritant present in smog? 
➥Sulphur dioxide
Q.350. How is the relative permeability of a diamagnetic material? 
➥Less than unity
Q.351. Which desert is famous for its deposits of nitrates?
Q.352. What is Isomerism exhibeted by acetic acid and methyl formate? 
➥Functional group
Q.353. Which is considered as a cell withing a cell? 
➥Golgi appartus
Q.354. Which is a significant contributor to increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide?
Q.355. Who is responsible for the registration of voters? 
➥Election Commission
Q.356. Which is used in welding industry? 
Q.357. Where was the world’s first oil-well drilled in the nineteenth century? 
➥Titusfills in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Q.358. Which was a novelty in Shah Jahan’s buildings? 
➥Makrana marble
Q.359. Flux reacts with the impurities to form fusible material. which is known as which name?
Q.360. If the dew point is below freezing, it is referred to which point? 
➥Frost point
Q.361. Which is printed on a commonly used fluorescent tube light? 
➥6500 k
Q.362. In which organ carbohydrate is stored as glycogen? 
Q.363. Which element does not show variable oxidation states? 
Q.364. Which type of coal represents the first stage of formation of coal?
Q.365. What is formula of plaster of paris?
Q.366. What is the main constituent of natural gas?
Q.367. ‘IC chips’ for computers are usually made of which metal? 
Q.368. What does Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles produce as “exhaust”?
Q.369. What is an example of Miscelles System here? 
➥Soap + Water
Q.370. What is saliva in man? 
Q.371. What is the main constituent of haemoglobin? 
Q.372. Which was the first synthetic fibre made by man?
Q.373. In the structure of planet Earth, below the mantle, the core is mainly made up of which? 
Q.374. What is the best conductor of electricity a 0.1 M solution? 
➥Sulphuric acid
Q.375. What is the chemical formula for water glass?
Q.376. Which of the following is used as a lubricant? 
Q.377. What is the function of heavy water in a nuclear reactor? 
➥Slow down the speed of neutrons
Q.378. Uranium eventually decays into a stable isotope of element?
Q.379. Which is the metal used in storaoe batteries?
Q.380. Which type of soils have a marked capacity to retain water? 
➥Regur soil
Q.381. What is laughing gas? 
➥Nitrous oxide
Q.382. When sodium bicarbonate is heated, what is the product obtained?
Q.383. If a liquid wets a solid surface, what is the angle of contact? 
➥Less than 90°
Q.384. Which noble gas was discovered in chromosphere of the sun?
Q.385. What does Talc contains?
➥Magnesium, silicon and oxygen
Q.386. Which mixture is homogeneous?
➥Methanol and water
Q.387. Which form of phosphorus is used in safety matches? 
➥Red phosphorus
Q.388. Which gas is used for refrigeration?
Q.389. By which an element is best characterized? 
➥By its atomic number
Q.390. Which is the softest?
Q.391. What is used in preparing match sticks? 
➥Red phosphorus
Q.392. Which are the Actinides elements with atomic numbers? 
➥From 89 to 103
Q.393. What is the most suitable unit for expressing nuclear radius?
Q.394. What is the transfer of energy through matter from particle to particle? 
Q.395. Chlorine acts as a bleaching agent only in the presence of which thing? 
Q.396. Which pair of metals are supposed to constitute the internal core of the earth?
➥Nickel and Iron
Q.397. What does Nail polish remover contain? 
Q.398. Select the compound in which chlorine shows oxidation state + 7?
Q.399. Which substance is used to retard the setting action of cement?
Q.400. What is the composition of Nitrolim-a chemical fertilizer?
➥Calcium carbide and nitrogen

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