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Set-3 | One Liner Questions : Chemistry | 740+ Questions

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740+ Chemistry Questions
Important One Liners For All Exams

Q.401. What are species containing same number of electrons called? 
Q.402. Rusting of iron is an example of which thing? 
Q.403. What is the natural source of hydrocarbon?
Q.404. Which is used as a fuel in Nuclear power stations in India?
Q.405. Which gas is absorbed during photosynthesis?
Q.406. What is a mixture of potassium nitrate, powdered charcoal and sulphur called?
➥Gun powder
Q.407. Which is a major constituent of Biogas?
Q.408. Which ore contains both calcium and magnesium? ➥Dolomite
Q.409. Who proposed the Atomic principle of matter? 
Q.410. Which two basic forces are able to provide on attractive force between the two neutrons?
➥Gravitational and Nuclear
Q.411. When a bond is formed between two atoms, the energy so system will be–
Q.412. Element having atomic number 29 is related to – 
Q.413. Which of the following particle being charged negatively?
Q.414. Cathode rays are– 
➥Stream of electrons
Q.415. Which of the following element is most electronegative? 
Q.416. Which of the following determines the chemical properties of an element? 
➥Number of electrons
Q.417. The product equivalent weight and valiancy of an element is equal to– 
➥Atomic weight
Q.418. Orientation of atomic orbital is controlled by – 
➥Magnetic Quantum number
Q.419. Who is awarded by noble prize for the discovery is neutron?
Q.420. An Element Atomic number 17 and mass number 36, then number of neutrons present in it–
Q.421. Which of the following has maximum Mass? 
Q.422. Atoms having equal number of protons but different number of Neutrons are called –
Q.423. Atoms having same no of neutron but different no of electrons or protons are called –
Q.424. Nucleotide have same atomic number are called: ➥Isotopes
Q.425. What is the value of Avogadro number?
➥6.023 × 1023
Q.426. Which of the following is not a nucleon? 
Q.427. Chemical behavious of an element depends upon its–
➥Number of electrons revolving around nucleus
Q.428. Atomic nuclei are composed of– 
➥Protons and neutrons
Q.429. The fundamental particles that composed on atom are– 
➥Proton, electron, Neutron
Q.430. What are the fundamental elements of an atom? 
➥Electron, Proton, Neutron
Q.431. Electronic configuration of Element Atomic number 20 is – 
➥2, 8, 8, 2
Q.432. Who discovered the element Atomic number 106? 
Q.433. Mark the compound which posses ionic, covalent and co–ordinate bond:
Q.434. Property of Ammonia is –
➥In its aqueous solution Red Litmus turns to Blue Litmus
Q.435. Paper of old books turns to brownish color due to – 
➥Oxidation of cellulose
Q.436. Which of the following is strongest oxidizing agent? 
Q.437. Positive oxidation state of oxygen is possible only in–
Q.438. What is the oxidation number of Nickel in K4[Ni(CN)4]?
Q.439. If Mg Cl2 contains one Millions of Mg2+ Ions, then how many Chloride Ions are present in it?
➥Two million
Q.440. When Helium atom Loses electron, then it becomes– 
➥Positive Helium ion
Q.441. The mass number of a nucleus is –
➥sometimes more and sometimes equal to its atomic number
Q.442. The weight of 6.023 × 1022 atoms of carbon is –
Q.443. Which of the following particle has the dual nature of particle wave? 
Q.444. Mass number is the sum of – 
➥Protons and Neutrons
Q.445. An alloy used in making heating elements for electric heating devices is –
Q.446. The use of Heat treatment of ore that includes smelting and roasting is termed as–
Q.447. Which of the following does not contains silver? 
➥German Silver
Q.448. Aluminum is extracted from – 
Q.449. The ore of Aluminum is – 
Q.450. Brass contains – 
➥Copper and Zinc
Q.451. Brass is made of 
➥Copper and Zinc
Q.452. Maximum permissible concentration of copper in drinking water in mg/L is – 
Q.453. Brass gets discoloured in air due to the presence of which gas in air? 
➥Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
Q.454. Which type of Glass is used for making glass reinforced plastic? 
➥Fiber glass
Q.455. Purification of copper is done by – 
➥Electrolytic decomposition
Q.456. Non-Metal found in Liquid state is –
Q.457. The phenomenon of ejection of electrons from the metal surface when a light of suitable frequency falls on it is called– 
➥Photoelectric effect
Q.458. Acute Lead poisoning is also known as –
Q.459. Which of the following metal has least melting point?
Q.460. Which of the following metal forms amalgam with other metals? 
Q.461. Amalgam is an alloy in which the base metal is–
Q.462. What is Baeyer’s reagent?
➥Alkaline Potassium Permanganate
Q.463. Hygroscopic substances are those substance which ready absorb– 
➥Water Vapors
Q.464. Rusting of Iron is – 
➥Due to oxidation
Q.465. The rusting of iron metal in air needs both–
➥Oxygen and Moisture
Q.466. Which of the following is required for the rusting of iron? 
➥oxygen and water
Q.467. Iron rusts quickly in –
➥Sea water
Q.468. The rusting of iron– 
➥Increases its weight
Q.469. Which of the following is not a chemical change? 
➥Conversion of water into steam
Q.470. If the bullets could not be removed from gunshot injury of a man, it may cause poisoning by–
Q.471. The ratio of pure gold in 18 carat gold is –
Q.472. The King of metal is -
Q.473. German Silver contains following Metals – 
➥Copper, Zinc, Nickel
Q.474. Which of the following is not contained by the German Silver? 
Q.475. Which metal is used to Galvanize iron?
Q.476. To protect the iron from getting rusted, the coat of zinc is applied on it. This process is known as– 
Q.477. Ultra purification of a Metal is done by– 
➥Zone Melting
Q.478. Glass is a –
➥Supper cooled Liquid
Q.479. Which of the following contains high content of Lead? 
➥High octane fuel
Q.480. Which of the following is not favourable to prevent iron from rusting? 
Q.481. Which of the following is responsible for extra strength of Pyrex glass?
Q.482. Which one of the following metals does not react with water to produce hydrogen?
Q.483. Which one of the following reacts with Fehling’s solution?
Q.484. Sodium vapor Lamps glow with yellow Light. This is due to– 
➥Sublimation of sodium to emit yellow colour
Q.485. The Element which does not occours in nature but can be formed, is
Q.486. Which of the following elements behave chemically both as metal and a nonmetal?
Q.487. Which of the following metal has maximum electrical conductivity? 
Q.488. Which of the following is most bad conductor?
Q.489. Bronze is an alloy of– 
➥Copper and Tin
Q.490. Shock absorbers are usually mode of steel as it? 
➥Has Higher elasticity
Q.491. Identify the metal which is non-toxic in nature–
Q.492. Which of the following metal is found in Free State in nature
Q.493. Most important ore of Lead is–
Q.494. Which of the purest commercial form of Iron? 
➥Wrought Iron
Q.495. Which of the following is purest form of Iron? 
➥Wrought Iron
Q.496. Which one of the following is known as the brown coal?
Q.497. Which one of the following is not a coal variety?
Q.498. The Iron ORE which contains 72% of Iron is – 
Q.499. Which one of the following is an iron ore? 
Q.500. Which one of the following Mineral does not contains oxygen? 
Q.501. Which metal is protected by the layer of its own oxide?
Q.502. The ore only two metals that are Non–Silver in colour, they are– 
➥Copper and gold
Q.503. Siderite is an ore of–
Q.504. Which of the following process is used in the extraction of iron from the Iron ore?
Q.505. Which one of the following metals cannot be used as an electromagnet?
Q.506. Quartz is a type of 
➥Silicon dioxide
Q.507. Raw materials used in the manufacturing of glass are– 
➥Soda, Lime Stone Silica Sand ash
Q.508. Ruby and sapphire are the oxides of – 
Q.509. Which of the following is used in welding broken pieces of iron rails and parts of machine –
➥Aluminum Powder
Q.510. Which one of the following does not present in the Stainless Steel?
Q.511. The addition of Gypsum to Portland cement helps in– 
➥Preventing rapid settling of cement
Q.512. Who discovered cement? 
➥Joseph Aspdin
Q.513. Air pollution by “Fly Ash” is caused by– 
➥Cement industry
Q.514. Cement is formed by strongly heating a Mixture of – 
➥Lime Stone and clay
Q.515. Cement is a mixture of –
➥Calcium Silicate and calcium aluminates
Q.516. Which one of the following Metals is used to Heat up the electric iron?
Q.517. Which of the following is strongest coagulant?
➥Aluminum Chloride (Alcl3)
Q.518. The Base used as an antacid is – 
➥Magnesium Hydroxide Mg(OH)2
Q.519. Which of the following metal is found in Free State?
Q.520. Which one of the following is used in Pencils? 
Q.521. In Graphite layers are held together by– 
➥Vander wall forces
Q.522. Which one among the following is Lubricant? 
Q.523. One carat of Diamond is equal to–
➥200 mg
Q.524. Which of the following are properties is generally found in non-metals? 
Q.525. What is wood spirit? 
➥Methyl Alcohol
Q.526. Fire-Fighting cloths are made from– 
Q.527. The Gas Causes acid rain in an industrial area is– 
➥Sulphur dioxide
Q.528. Acid rain in the environment is caused by the Higher concentration of –
➥SO2 and NO2
Q.529. Which one of the following is used to dissolve noble metals? 
➥Aqua regia
Q.530. Aqua regia is a Mixture of the following in the ratio 1:3 by volume– 
➥Conc HNO3 and conc CHL
Q.531. Sulphuric acid is – 
Q.532. Fullerene is a newly discovered crystalline carbon allotrope, contains– 
➥60 C atoms
Q.533. Catalytic Converters are Generally Made from
➥Transition Metals
Q.534. The First Time atomic bomb was released at– 
Q.535. Hydrogen Bomb is based upon the Principle of– 
➥Uncontrolled Nuclear Fusion
Q.536. Which type of reaction produces the most harmful radiation? 
Q.537. How many countries explode the atom bomb before India?
Q.538. Chocolates nay Harmful to Health because they contains High quantity of –
Q.539. Gun Powder was discovered by– 
➥Roger beckon
Q.540. Gun Powder is a Mixture of– 
➥Nitrate, Sulphur and Charcoal
Q.541. Which of the following mixture cause the explosion of TNT (Trinitrotoluene) 
➥Ammonium Nitrate
Q.542. Which of the following Isotope is used in the production of Nuclear Energy?
Q.543. High amount of energy is released in the explosion of atomic bomb is due to–
➥Conversion of Mass into energy
Q.544. Tritium is an Isotope of –
Q.545. In India Nuclear Weapon was tested at –
Q.546. Nuclear Power Reactor act on the Principle of– 
Q.547. The two elements which are used to absorb the neutrons in nuclear fission during chain reaction
➥Boran and Cadmium
Q.548. Fuel used in Nuclear reactor is –
Q.549. Graphite is used as a… in nuclear reactors.
Q.550. Heavy water used as a coolant in nuclear reactor. Heavy Water is:
➥Water containing heavy Isotopes of Hydrogen atom
Q.551. In nuclear reactor, Neutrons are slowdown by the 
Q.552. Who discovered the natural radioactivity? 
➥Henri Becquerel
Q.553. Radioactive decay of uranium resulted the formation of final product–
Q.554. Uranium eventually decays into a stable isotope of –
Q.555. In the treatment of skin disease the radio isotope used is– 
➥Radio Phosphorous
Q.556. Radioactivity is Measured by – 
➥Giger – Muller counter
Q.557. The most suitable unit to express the nuclear radius is –
Q.558. Radioactive Noble Gas is–
Q.559. There is no change in radioactive element (Mass or change) during – 
➥Gamma emission
Q.560. Radioactivity is the fission of –
Q.561. Quality of Petrol expressed in terms of
➥Octane number
Q.562. In LPG cylinder under the High Pressure mainly mixture of Gases filled in Liquid form –
➥Propane and Butane
Q.563. Kitchen or Cooking Gas is a mixture of – 
➥Butane and Propane
Q.564. PNG (Piped Natural Gas) is used for –
Q.565. TEL (Tetra Ethyl Lead) is a – 
➥An anti knock Compound
Q.566. Wax used for making candles is chemically a mixture of– 
➥Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
Q.567. Petroleum is a Mixture of – 
Q.568. Glycol is added to aviation gasoline because it 
➥Prevents freezing of petrol
Q.569. Water is not effective in extinguishing a fire caused by petrol because– 
➥Water and petrol are immiscible with each other and petrol which forms upper Layer continuous to burn.
Q.570. Diesel oil is prefer for Heavy Motor Vehicles because it–
➥It has more capacity and fuel save
Q.571. The temperature of oxy–acetylene flame is around–
Q.572. Rayon is formed by – 
Q.573. Polyethene is formed by – 
Q.574. Glycogen, Cellulose and starch are the polymers of– 
Q.575. The process of Heating of Rubber with sulphur to increase it quality is known as –
Q.576. Natural rubber is a polymer of– 
Q.577. Afriline is a –
Q.578. PVC is obtained by the polymerization of – 
➥Vinyl chloride
Q.579. The gas that usually cause explosion in coal mines is– 
➥Methane (CH4)
Q.580. Bakelite and Phenol are the polymers of– 
Q.581. Silicon is a Polymer of 
➥Dialkyal dichloro silane
Q.582. Which gas used as an anesthetic? 
➥Nitrous oxide
Q.583. The drug which Lowers anxiety and provide Peace –
Q.584. The branch of medicine involving synthetic chemical compounds is– 
Q.585. The pair of compounds used as anesthetic in medicine is – 
➥Nitrogen dioxide, chloroform
Q.586. Fluid used commonly in making Bio-gas – 
➥Animal Wast
Q.587. Gobargas mainly contains
Q.588. Main Constituent of air is– 
Q.589. Zinc Phosphide is commonly used as – 
Q.590. Oxides of sulphure present in atmosphere washed down by rain to cause–
➥Lowering of PH of soil
Q.591. Green House effect means
➥Trapping of solar energy due to carbon dioxide.
Q.592. Depletion of ozone Layer is mainly due to – 
➥Chlorofluoro carbons
Q.593. Which atmospheric gas absorbs ultraviolet rays?
Q.594. Pasteurization is a process in which milk is Heated at– 
➥630C for 30 min
Q.595. Combustion is a – 
➥Chemical Process
Q.596. Chief pollution of smoke of cigarette is– 
➥Carbon monoxide and nicotine
Q.597. Smoke of tobacco is Injurious to Health because it contains – 
Q.598. Producer gas is Highly Poisonous due to the presence of – 
➥Carbon Monoxide
Q.599. It is not advisable to sleep under the tree at night because trees release– 
➥Carbon dioxide
Q.600. The calorie requirement of the body increases in winter as compared to summer because ore calories are necessary to 
➥Sustain body temperature

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